The host of the Annual DECA Holiday Craft Fair is Oxford Hills DECA, an association of marketing students, who are also members of the Marketing Program of Oxford Hills Technical School, (part of Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School) located in western Maine. DECA is a co-curricular, international, student-centered organization specifically designed to provide activities that will motivate secondary students to learn marketing, management, and entrepreneurial competencies that will prepare them to become skilled, employable workers in the field of marketing and business. This activity provides the opportunity for students to develop such skills.
Because the fair is hosted by high school students, the application process does not begin until school begins in early September. |
Want to join our fair?
Please fill out the form by clicking the red button. A second round of applications goes out late September and is first come/ first serve. We generally have approximately 20 openings, but we have over 300 people on our second round mailer. The first come spots are usually full within 2 days. |